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  Yuki has been interested in the human figure since she was 8 years old. She attended Kyoto University of Art and Design and Nippon Photography Institute. At a young age, she enjoyed photographing children. After she graduated from the University and Institute, she worked at Shueisha Inc.'s studio. During that time, she took various pictures of models. Her style was often described as dramatic, cinematic, and realistic. Later, she moved to Los Angeles and retun to basic style, human portrait.


1986年生まれ 千葉県出身。8歳の時、美しいと思った空を撮り、その時の撮影の感動で写真に興味を持つ。高校時代、写真部として学内外で活動。海外にも興味を持ち始め、佐藤仁恵先生の教室にて本格的に写真を学ぶ。その後、日本写真芸術専門学校フォトアートコース、京都造形芸術大学美術科写真コースに進学。在学中、人・子供をモチーフに作品を作る。卒業後、集英社スタジオに入社。撮影アシスタント、モデル・商品・インタビュー撮影など多数経験。退社後、渡米。現在ロサンゼルス在住。

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